
About Me

Hello, my name is Esme and I’m happily an older woman. I have enjoyed a long and eclectic career that’s taken me through art college, fashion retail, teaching and writing about health and fitness, including writing and running workshops for Cosmopolitan magazine, and presenting on a couple of regional afternoon television programmes, from which I wrote the Bodywork Book (now out of print). For the past twenty plus years I’ve been working in healthcare communications, mainly specialising in supporting patient organisations in developing their educational materials, awareness campaigns and building their capabilities through conferences on awareness and running training workshops.

I have always loved clothes and makeup and playing with different styles and have become increasingly interested in the physical and psychological aspects of growing older and ageing well. I never go out without my red lipstick because it always makes me feel good - and sometimes naughty! In 2019 I took a style coaching course, which was not only super fun, but also gave me some great new skills to share.

For most of my life I have lived in London, but I was brought up by the sea. I have a huge appetite for reading and learning new things; love the theatre and opera, as well as dance music. I love to travel and visit new places; meeting new people and hanging out with old friends. To keep in shape I walk everywhere and do Pilates. I try and eat healthy food, but am rather too fond of chocolate! I can cook, but I tend to put more effort into presenting food than following recipes with varying results.

I set up Wearing Well to provide a platform for contemporary older women. My aim is to create a community of like-minded women with an interest in learning and sharing experiences through this site and the Discovery Workshops I am currently running on Zoom. I hope you will find something here to inspire, enlighten, stimulate and entertain you…

Please let me know if you would be interested in joining a Discovery Workshop by emailing me at:

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Wearing Well is here to help!

Wearing Well is for older women who, like me, want to look and feel relevant, contemporary and confident enough to continue learning, growing and embracing our lives with verve and style . With Wearing Well I offer thoughts, insights and considerations to help you evaluate and revitalise different areas of your life as it changes. I believe we can learn so much from each other, so I am offering small, interactive Discovery Workshops on Zoom to explore where we are now, where we want to be and how we can achieve our goals using different approaches, as well as covering specific topics of relevance. I also offer style coaching sessions for anyone who wants a bit of help with clothes, makeup and how you present yourself.

Our lives are changing all the time, but after 50 there are some changes that may need assessing and redressing, in particular changes to our bodies, circumstances and environment. Change offers really exciting opportunities, but it can also require adaptations and new approaches to help us be our best self and enjoy our lives to the full.

Because we are all individuals, my approach to ageing well is not prescriptive but very much tailored to meet your needs and preferences. For each topic or situation we are looking at you will first find some information and then a range of options and considerations to help guide you to the choices that will work best for you. As nothing is static, you can use this method to keep revising and resetting your goals and approaches at any time.

I hope you find this concept inspiring and the information practical and effective. If you have any constructive thoughts or ideas for topics or further information you would like to find on this site, or to cover in the Discovery Workshops, please email me at    

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